Although winters in Southern California are fairly mild with warmer temperatures, we still experience our fair share of downpour. The rain intensifies throughout the months of October to March and at times it can rain all day. This is the wettest season and for some, can be the dreariest time of the year if proper action is not taken to prepare. The more intense the weather gets, the higher the amount of car accidents recorded. The sooner you prep your car the better, procrastinating will only increase the likelihood of putting you and your loved ones in danger of having problems while on the road. Here is a checklist of things to do to get ready for the wet season.
Keep up with regular maintenance checks. Your car gets you where you want to go and as long as you get there, there is no need for servicing your car right? Wrong! Taking action and having your car checked in advance of the start of a new season is essential. Each season has different effects on your car, making it crucial to maintain regular service checks. You can refer to your owner’s manual to find the ideal service intervals for your car; doing this will help you prevent problems from developing.
Check your tire infiltration and tread. Check to see if your tires are firm and fully inflated. This is especially important when driving in wet conditions that make the roads slippery. Properly inflated tires will make your car more balanced and less likely to swerve around when you turn tight corners. Having deep and hollow treaded tires will improve traction and reduce friction by moving water to the sides.
Get your brakes evaluated. Every part of your car works harder to maintain stability during the wet season. Good brakes will help you on wet slippery roads. Be sure your brakes are up for the task by bringing your car in to your nearest Chevy dealership for a thorough brake inspection.
Check your Wipers and your fluids. Replacing wipers is an inexpensive but worthy investment you should take. Good vision is essential when driving in foul conditions. Avoid dangerous situations, including being stuck in-between two semis splashing water at your windshield and blinding you on the freeway. Be sure to replace your wiper blades if you notice any signs of wear and tear and. Lastly, fill up your reservoir with wiper fluid, this will help you clear off dirt and residue.
Check your Headlights and Tail Lights. During this season it gets darker faster and for longer periods of time outside. Among your headlights and tail lights, you should also pay attention to your signal bulbs and brake lights. If you have an older car, check for any signs of fogginess or dark patches on your lights. A simple clean-up and detailing at Mountain View Chevrolet, or your local Chevy dealership, will leave your lights with high levels of illumination and free of debris.
Going through this checklist will not only improve the quality of your driving experience but it will also prolong the functionality of your car. Staying aware of your driving habits and changing any bad ones will make this checklist more valuable. Here are a few things to keep in mind while driving in wet conditions:
To get started on your checklist, visit Mountain View Chevrolet online to learn more about the latest deals on parts and services for your Chevy.